September 19, 2009

Dota hack (single player) with CE

Stuff needed :
Cheat Engine 5.2
WarCraft III TFT with Dota AllStars (forgot the version)

_Stats Hack_______________________
1)get into dota and start game
2)when ur in game save your skill points until level 4
3)use cheat engine to target War3.exe
4)type in 4 and search 4 bytes ,Exact Value
5)go into DotA and add one point to anything
6)type in 3 and search 4 bytes ,Exact value
7)go into DotA and add one point to anything
8)type in 2 and search 4 bytes ,Exact value
9)go into Dota and add one point to anything
10)type in 1 and search 4 bytes,Exact Value
11)go back to Dota and add one point to anything
12)type in 0 and search 4 bytes, exact value. you should now have 2-3 values

double click them so they appear at the bottom of CE.change all of their value to 1 and freeze them.

can apply for EXP too
kill one creep and search ur exp (put ur mouse over EXP bar and pick the `left` numbers)
kill another creep and search same
keep searching till ur `left` with one value then double click it to drag it down
change the value to 32400
kill another creep and ure a LvL 25!
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