September 20, 2009

Setting Capslock, Numlock, Scroll Lock

If you want to set the startup state for any or all of these keys,
you just need to edit the registry.

  1. Start Regedit

  2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Keyboard

  3. Open InitialKeyboardIndicators

  4. Change the value to one of the following numbers
    0 - All Keys off
    1 - Caps Lock on
    2 - Num Lock on
    4 - Scroll Lock on
    For multiple keys, add their values:
    3 - Caps Lock and Num Lock on
    5 - Caps Lock and Scroll Lock on
    6 - Num Lock and Scroll Lock on
    7 - Caps Lock, Num Lock, and Scroll Lock on

  5. Log off and back on again

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